How to Redirect URL with Input Data

AuthorSumit Dey Sarkar

Pubish Date22 Mar 2023


In this tutorial we will learn how to redirect URL with input data.


How to redirect URL with input data

To redirect a URL with input data, you can use either GET or POST methods to send the input data along with the URL. Here are the basic steps to accomplish this:

Step 1 - Create a form with input fields to collect the data from the user.


Step 2 - Set the form action to the URL you want to redirect to.


Step 3 - Set the form method to either GET or POST, depending on your needs.


Step 4 - Add a submit button to the form.


Step 5 - When the user submits the form, the browser will send the input data to the URL specified in the form action.


Step 6 - On the server-side, you can access the input data using the GET or POST variables.


Step 7 - Process the input data as needed, and then redirect the user to a new page using the header() function in PHP or a similar function in other languages.


Example in PHP

<form action="new_page.php" method="post">
   <label for="input_data">Input Data:</label>
   <input type="text" id="input_data" name="input_data">
   <input type="submit" value="Submit">

In the example above, we're collecting input data from the user and sending it to a PHP script called "new_page.php" using the POST method. In the "new_page.php" script, we can access the input data using the $_POST superglobal variable. We can then process the data and redirect the user to a new page using the header() function:

$input_data = $_POST['input_data'];
// Process input data here...

// Redirect to new page


In the example above, we're using the header() function to redirect the user to a new page after processing the input data.

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