How to Implement Summer Note Editor in Laravel

AuthorSumit Dey Sarkar

Pubish Date22 Mar 2023


In this tutorial we will learn how to implement summer notes in laravel.


How to implement summer notes in laravel

To implement the Summer Note editor in Laravel, you can follow the following steps:


Step 1- Install Laravel

First, install Laravel on your system using the composer command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel your-project-name


Step 2 - Install Summer Note You can install the Summer Note editor using the following command:

npm install summernote


Step 3 - Create a Route Create a route to handle the request for the page that will contain the Summer Note editor. In your `routes/web.php` file, add the following route:

Route::get('/summer-note', 'SummerNoteController@index')->name('summer-note.index');


Step 4 - Create a Controller Create a new controller named `SummerNoteController` using the following command:

php artisan make:controller SummerNoteController

In the controller, create an index method that will return the view for the page that contains the Summer Note editor.

public function index()
    return view('summer-note');


Step 5 - Create a View Create a new view named `summer-note.blade.php` in the `resources/views` directory. Add the following code to the view:


<div class="container">
    <textarea id="summer-note-editor"></textarea>

<script src="{{ asset('js/summer-note.js') }}"></script>


Step 6 - Create a JavaScript file Create a new JavaScript file named `summer-note.js` in the `public/js` directory. Add the following code to the file:

$(document).ready(function() {


Step 7 - Include the JavaScript file Include the `summer-note.js` file in the `layouts/app.blade.php` file by adding the following code:

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>


Step 8 - Run the Application Finally, run the Laravel application using the following command:

php artisan serve

Visit `http://localhost:8000/summer-note` to see the Summer Note editor in action.


That's it! You have successfully implemented the Summer Note editor in Laravel.

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