How to dowload pdf using PHP

AuthorHariom Prajapati

Pubish Date02 Jul 2022


In this tutorial we will learn how to download pdf using PHP or how to print specific content from a webpage in pdf format.

Now follow below steps to download pdf using PHP.

Step 1- Install Mpdf php Library

$ composer require mpdf/mpdf

Simply Paste the above Command in your Composer. ( If you dont know that what is composer and how to install composer then click here and follow step 1 to step 3  or dowload it from here Dowload Composer . )

Please ensure that the mpdf file is downloaded into your job folder.



Step 2- Make a new Index.php file


Step 3-  Load autoload.php file from vendor



Step 4-  Make a variable for content to generate Pdf page

Here you need to create a variable in which all the code are stored, which you want to print into pdf format.

 $html =  " <table border=\"1\" >
$html .=" 
        <td>Sumit Sarkar</td>
        <td>Akash Sharma</td>
        <td>Nitu Dey</td>
$html .= "</table>"; 


Step 5-  Now need to include the mpdf library class

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();
$file = "test.pdf";
$mpdf->Output($file , 'D');  // direct download the pdf page  when run on server
// $mpdf->Output($file , 'I');  // pdf page open on browser tab
// $mpdf->Output($file , 'F');  // pdf page save on your file


Step 6 – Now run the file in your Browser





Now we will see full code which we described above

$html =  " <table border=\"1\" >
$html .=" 
        <td>Sumit Sarkar</td>
        <td>Akash Sharma</td>
        <td>Nitu Dey</td>
$html .= "</table>";
$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();
$file = "test.pdf";
$mpdf->Output($file , 'D');  // direct download the pdf page  when run on server
// $mpdf->Output($file , 'I');  // pdf page open on browser tab
// $mpdf->Output($file , 'F');  // pdf page save on your file
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