In this tutorial we will learn artisan commands in Laravel.
Artisan commands in laravel
In Laravel, artisan is the command-line interface included with the framework. Artisan provides a number of helpful commands for managing your Laravel application.
Here are some of the most commonly used artisan commands:
1) php artisan serve
- Start the development server.
2) php artisan make:model ModelName
- Create a new Eloquent model.
3) php artisan make:controller ControllerName
- Create a new controller.
4) php artisan make:migration create_table_name
- Create a new database migration.
5) php artisan migrate
- Run all outstanding database migrations.
6) php artisan tinker
- Start the Laravel REPL.
7) php artisan route:list
- List all registered routes.
8) php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareName
- Create a new middleware.
9) php artisan cache:clear
- Clear the application cache.
10) php artisan make:seeder SeederName
- Create a new database seeder.
11) php artisan db:seed
- Seed the database with records.
12) php artisan make:auth
- Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes.
13) php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareName
- Create a new middleware class.
14) php artisan make:request RequestName
- Create a new form request class.
15) php artisan make:provider ProviderName
- Create a new service provider.
16) php artisan make:job JobName
- Create a new job class.
17) php artisan make:event EventName
- Create a new event class.
18) php artisan make:listener ListenerName --event=EventName
- Create a new event listener class.
19) php artisan make:mail MailName
- Create a new email class.
20) php artisan make:notification NotificationName
- Create a new notification class.
21) php artisan queue:work
- Start processing jobs on the queue.
22) php artisan queue:listen
- Listen to the queue and process jobs as they become available.
23) php artisan storage:link
- Create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public.
24) php artisan make:test TestName
- Create a new test class.
25) php artisan optimize
- Optimize the application for faster performance.
26) php artisan config:cache
- Cache the configuration files for faster performance.
27) php artisan view:clear
- Clear the compiled views.
28) php artisan down
- Put the application into maintenance mode.
29) php artisan up
- Take the application out of maintenance mode.