How to Install and Use CodeGPT in VS Code

AuthorSumit Dey Sarkar

Pubish Date12 Apr 2023


What is CodeGPT?

CodeGPT is a VS Code extension that allows you to use the GPT language model within the VS Code editor.


How to Install and Use CodeGPT in VS Code


Setup CodeGPT in VS Code

Here's how to set up and utilise CodeGPT in Visual Studio Code step by step:


Step 1 - Open VS Code, then select the Extensions panel on the editor's left side.



Step 2 - Click the "Install" button next to the extension after typing "Code GPT" into the search field.



Step 3 - Clicking the "Reload" button after the installation is finished will enable the extension or Restart your VS Code.


Using CodeGPT in VS Code

To use CodeGPT, you can follow these steps:


Step 1 - Open VS Code and press Ctrl + Shift + P then a command bar will open at top and now type "codegpt" and click on codeGPT or you can direct open it by clicking on codeGPT icon which at left side of the VS Code.



Step 2 - Now it will ask for API Key



Step 3 - To get API key from OpenAI go to and click on “Create new secret key”. Now, copy the API key and past on VS Code where asked for codeGPT API.


Step 4 - Now type anything what you want inside 'ask a question' text box.


Step 5 - CodeGPT will generate text based on your input and display it in the editor.


Searching for "CodeGPT" in the VS Code settings (File > Preferences > Settings) will allow you to change how CodeGPT behaves. Here, you can adjust settings like the temperature and maximum length of generated text. You can also specify a different GPT model to use if you have one available.


Note: CodeGPT requires an internet connection to function, as it uses an API to generate text. The extension is still currently in its experimental phase, thus it might not always function flawlessly.


Benefits of CodeGPT

CodeGPT is a variant of GPT specifically designed for programming tasks, such as code generation, code completion, and code summarization.
The following are some advantages of CodeGPT:

1) Improved code quality: CodeGPT can help generate high-quality code that is more efficient, reliable, and maintainable than code written by humans. This is because CodeGPT can analyze large amounts of code and identify patterns and best practices that can be used to optimize code.


2) Time savings: CodeGPT can automate many programming tasks, such as code completion and debugging, which can save developers a significant amount of time. When working under pressure or on large-scale projects, this can be very helpful.


3) Increased productivity: By automating routine tasks, CodeGPT can free up developers to focus on more complex and creative programming tasks. This can help increase productivity and innovation within a development team.


4) Improved collaboration: CodeGPT can help standardize code across a team or organization, making it easier for different developers to work on the same codebase. This can improve collaboration and reduce the risk of errors caused by inconsistent coding practices.


5) Access to expertise: CodeGPT can help developers access programming expertise that they may not have themselves. This can be especially helpful for programming languages or frameworks that are specialised, where there may be a shortage of skilled workers.


Overall, by automating repetitive activities, enhancing code quality, and boosting productivity and cooperation, CodeGPT has the potential to revolutionise the way developers operate.

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