10 Steps to starting blogging in 2023

AuthorHariom Prajapati

Pubish Date02 Jul 2022


In this tutorial, we will tell you 10 tips that are necessary to start blogging in 2023.

It is a Good time to start the blog because you can success and earn real money in 2023.

Many people choose blogging career as a professional career and they make decent income by blogging.

Some new bloggers start blogging and think to make it professional but they don't know the proper way to start blogging.

If you want to start a blog then you have to go through step by step if you follow this step then you will definitely success in blogging.


Now follow 10 steps to start blogging in 2023:- 

Step 1 - choose a suitable niche

If you plan to develop a blog then before planning you should decide the suitable blog niche. At this step you need to research niche in which you can write or Run blog.

You can use several niches for your blog but you should choose just one niche in which you are perfect and write content regularly.

If you choose competitive niche then it is difficult to rank on search engine against your competitor.

Some common niches are:-







 Health and fitness


Step 2- choose a brand name for your blog

You need to choose professional and creative brand name to start real business in which you earn money.

Always try to choose a good branding name to attract the audience for read your blog content.

Once you choose suitable niche in which you can write content then you need to focus on choosing best name for your blog which attract the attention of the users.

Remember that when you choose the brand name it must be unique and interesting.

Most important- If you decide to choose domain name and blog name same to same then you must check domain name is available or not.


Step 3- Buy domain name and hosting

The domain name is a name which used by visitor and domain name is also used by 'search engine recognizer' for access your blog and hosting is the server where all files are stored

There are many domain registrar and website hosting company.

Always keep in mind that you need to find the best domain Registrar and hosting provider because if you choose bad hosting then it directly affect your website speed and it also not good for security purpose so always buy hosting from best hosting provider.

Some popular domain and hosting providers are:-



 A2 hosting


→ Blue host


Step 4- choose a platform

There are two ways in which you can create your blog :-

  1. Using content management system (CMS)
  2. Code it from the ground up.

Using content management system

Wordpress is most common and popular content management system for making blog because it provide theme and plugins which help you to launch your website quickly.

Code it from ground up

If you know how to create website by coding then you can create your own website.


Step 5- Customize your blog

On step 5 you need to install wordpress theme or you can develop it yourself. Then you can customize your website by add header, body, sidebar and footer to improve user experience.

The best combination of color's increase interest of user.


Step 6- Content strategy

After your blog done then you need to create effective strategy for writing of your content regularly.

The content you write should be unique and informative to the user.

If you are success in your content strategy then your blog get traffic.

After post your content on your website then shared it via your social media platform to get more traffic

Tips- Use duplicate content checker before post content on website.


Step 7- Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine Optimizer used to reach to the top position on search engine result page (SERPS).

You should use SEO Optimization to blog by :-

  • On page SEO
  • Off page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Backlinking
  • Social media marketing
  • Keywords research
  • Search engine marketing


Step 8- Apply for AdSense or any other income sources

One of the best brand for display ads on website is Google AdSense which pay you real money according to impression or click on ads.

You should apply for Google AdSense after read the terms of use.

You can also apply for Ezoic when your blog reach 10000 session per month or you can also apply for mediavine when your blog reach 50000 session per month.


Step 9 - Social media marketing

Social media is a most important in today's world if you are not using social media then you missing a big opportunity to share your blog content. So share your blog content on social media because your reader and competitor also on social media.


Step 10- Analytics

Analytics help you to know views, traffic, Bounce rate and session time of your website, if you are not know your traffic, view via analytics then you don't know in which position you stand.

Use Google Analytics to view traffic, views ,sessions time.

Don't skip this important step when you start blogging in 2023.


 learn seo full course for get traffic and rank on search engine result click here 
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